What is the difference between a tracking Pixel and a Postback?

What is the difference between a tracking Pixel and a Postback? 

As an affiliate network owner, it is important to understand the difference between a pixel and a postback. These two terms are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different things, although both are used to track conversions in real time.

What is a tracking pixel? 

A tracking  pixel is a small piece of HTML code (usually and image tag or javascript) that is placed on a thank you page of an e-commerce or a landing page. This code is used to track sales or leads (user registrations). Pixels are used by affiliate network owner and advertisers to track the conversions and the effectiveness of their ads. 

What is a postback? 

On the other hand, a postback is a type of server-to-server request that is sent when a conversion occur. This conversion could be anything from filling out a form to making a purchase. Postbacks are typically used to send information about a conversion from an advertiser's affiliate network to another one, so that they both can track conversions and attribute them to the correct campaign.

In summary, the main difference between a tracking pixel and a postback is that a tracking pixel is used to track conversions directly on an advertiser’s website, while a postback is used to send information about a conversions that has been just tracked on another affiliate network or platform. Understanding the difference between these two terms is essential for anyone working in affiliate marketing.

With AffiliationSoftware you can use both, tracking pixel and postback. You can learn more about our tracking systems in the compatible websites and in the tracking section of our documentation.

Article published on: 14.12.2022

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