Coupons and offline sales

Coupons and offline sales

Coupons can be used to track online and offline sales referred by your affiliates, even if the customer has not clicked on the affiliate link.

If the customer buys using an affiliate coupon, the system recognizes a commission for that affiliate.

Coupons are an alternative to banners/links and can be used by influencers (youtube, instagram,..) and for offline sales activities (mails, flyers,..).

Coupons and offline sales

Coupon tracking is only compatible with certain websites and e-commerce.

Coupon tracking 

Make sure that the “Coupons & offline sales” plugin is active.

To automatically track online sales through coupons, add “&cc=[COUPON]” to the tracking code placed in your e-commerce.

Replace [COUPON] with the name of the coupon used in the checkout by the customer.


<img src='[COUPON]' width='1' height='1' border='0' />

Add a coupon

You can add a coupon and assign it to an affiliate. All sales generated using this coupon will be tracked and the affiliate will receive a commission.

To add a coupon go to:

Admin panel > Tools > Coupons

Click the "Actions > Add" button at the bottom of the page.

Enter the name of the coupon and select the related campaign.

You can assign a coupon to a specific affiliate, by selecting the respective field, or leave "None" to allow affiliates to request a coupon among those available.

You can also set an expiration date, after that date the coupon will no longer work. If you leave the field blank, the coupon will never expire.

Add multiple coupons

You can insert multiple coupons at the same time. Click on the "Actions > Add +" button at the bottom of the page.

Enter the prefix to use and specify the number of coupons you want to create. If you enter "test-coupon" from 1 to 10, 10 coupons will be created, with names: test-coupon1, test-coupon2, test-coupon3, etc.

Import coupons

You can import multiple coupons from a CSV file. Click on the "Actions > Import" button at the bottom of the page.

Select the CSV file to import from your computer, it must have the following format:


You can also import coupons and assigning them to specific affiliates. In this case the CSV file must have the following format:


Edit a coupon

You can edit a coupon to assign it to another affiliate or to change the coupon code.

To change a coupon go to:

Admin panel > Tools > Coupons

Search for the row you want to edit and click the "Coupon" column or the pencil icon.

Edit the coupon fields according to your needs.

Click on the "Save" button to save the changes

Delete a coupon

You can delete a coupon to disable tracking, the affiliate will no longer receive commissions on purchases made using that coupon.

To delete a coupon go to:

Admin panel > Tools > Coupons

Search for the coupon you want to delete and click the trash can icon on the right.

You can also delete multiple coupons at the same time. Check the boxes on the left and click on the "Actions > Delete" button at the bottom of the page.

Register an offline sale

Coupons can also be used for offline sales, made in a physical store instead of on an e-commerce. When the customer makes a purchase in the store, he gives you the coupon. You can use this coupon to register the respective affiliate's commission.

To register an offline sale go to:

Admin panel > Tools > Coupons > Offline sales

Enter the coupon used by the customer during the offline purchase.

You can also specify the order amount (on which to calculate the percentage), the order ID, and the date on which the sale took place.

By clicking the "add" button, the affiliate's commission will be registered, based on the coupon used and the campaign commissions.

Import offline sales

You can register multiple offline sales at the same time by importing a CSV file. Click on the “Import CSV” link at the bottom of the page.

Select the CSV file to import from your computer, it must have the following format:

Coupon, sales amount, order ID, date
test-coupon1,100, order123,2020-09-07
test-coupon2,100, order 456,2020-09-07
test-coupon1,200, order789,2020-09-06

Coupons in the Affiliate Panel

The affiliate can see his coupons and request new coupons from the page:

Affiliate panel > Tools > Coupons

The affiliate should select a campaign to see its coupons. The affiliate receives a commission when someone makes a purchase using his coupon.

If no coupons are available, the affiliate can request a new one by clicking on the "Request coupon" button. This button is only visible if there are coupons available.

The expiry date is visible under each coupon. When a coupon expires it can no longer be used and is hidden from the affiliate panel.

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