Lifetime tracking

Lifetime Tracking 

Lifetime tracking allows to recognize the affiliate who brought a customer for the first time, and give him a commission for all subsequent purchases that will be made by the same customer, forever.

The first time a customer buys, he is tracked normally, by clicking the affiliate banner/link. Thanks to lifetime tracking, all subsequent purchases from that customer are automatically linked to the same affiliate (who referred him the first time). The affiliate will receive lifetime commissions on all subsequent purchases made by this customer. Lifetime tracking works even if the customer no longer clicks the affiliate's banner/link and even if he buys with another device.

How lifetime tracking works

Lifetime tracking is only compatible with certain websites and e-commerce.

Configure lifetime tracking

Make sure the "Lifetime tracking" plugin is active.

To recognize the affiliate who referred the customer the first time and give him a commission on all his subsequent purchases, you should configure lifetime tracking. 

To configure lifetime tracking add the parameter “&l=[CUSTOMER_ID]” to your tracking code.

Replace [CUSTOMER_ID] with the customer's ID or the customer's email address.


<img src='[CUSTOMER_ID]' width='1' height='1' border='0' />
This step is required for lifetime tracking to work.

Add a lifetime tracking

You can add a lifetime tracking to connect a customer to an affiliate, in this way the affiliate will receive lifetime commissions on all purchases made by this customer.

To enter a lifetime tracking go to:

Admin panel > Tools > Lifetime tracking

Click on the "Actions > Add" button at the bottom of the page.

Select the campaign and the affiliate, then enter the customer's ID or email (must be the same as the one placed in your tracking code).

You can also enter an order number or leave this field blank.

Click on the "Save" button to add the lifetime tracking and connect the affiliate to the customer.

Edit a lifetime tracking

You can edit a lifetime tracking to connect the customer to another affiliate, or to update the customer's ID or email.

To edit a lifetime tracking go to:

Admin panel > Tools > Lifetime tracking

Search for the row you want to change and click the "Customer ID / Email" column or the pencil icon.

Change the lifetime tracking fields to suit your needs.

Click on the "Save" button to save the changes.

Delete a lifetime tracking

You can delete a lifetime tracking to disconnect the customer from the affiliate, in this way the affiliate will no longer receive lifetime commissions on purchases made by this customer.

To delete a lifetime tracking go to:

Admin panel > Tools > Lifetime tracking

Search for the lifetime tracking you want to delete and click the trash can icon on the right.

You can also delete multiple lifetime tracking at the same time. Check the boxes on the left and click the "Actions > Delete" button at the bottom of the page.

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