

With this plugin you can create an affiliate network with an interface accessible in multiple languages. When they log in, users can choose the language they prefer to use. The following languages are currently available: Italian, English, German, French and Spanish.

Setup a mutlilingual affiliate network

Default language

To change the default language of your affiliate network, go to:

Admin panel > Settings > Configuration > Local > Language


You can make your affiliate network accessible in multiple languages simultaneously. Select all the languages you want to enable. To select multiple languages, hold CTRL on your keyboard. Users see the interface in the default language, and can change the language in the login page. To call the signup page in another language, add: ?lang=it.

Admin panel > Settings > Configuration > Local > Multilanguage

Profile fields

With the multilanguage plugin you can configure custom fields in multiple languages. Select the language and then complete the required fields. Make sure to configure the fields in all the languages you enabled.

Admin panel > Settings > Profile fields

Email and pages

With the multilanguage plugin you can manage the emails and pages texts in multiple languages. Select the language and then the email or page you want to edit. Enter the translated text and save the modifications.

Admin panel > Settings > Email and pages

Campaign description

You can enter the campaign’s descriptions in multiple languages. If the description in the affiliate language does not exist, the default language description will be displayed instead. In the campaign description field enter the text in this format:

English text here
Testo in italiano qui

Change a language

To edit a text or phrase in the interface, you can request us the language file. Open the file with a text editor, search for the text that has to be edited, and in its place type the new text (leave everything else unchanged). If you want to add a new language open the file and translate it entirely instead. Once the changes are complete, you must send the file back to us and wait for the upload.

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