Recurring commissions

Recurring commissions

Recurring commissions allow you to set up commissions that recur after a certain period of time, such as every 30 days. They are perfect for subscription services, such as hosting, SaaS, etc.

When the affiliate refers the sale/lead, he receives the first commission. When the customer renews the subscription, the same affiliate receives the second commission. The same thing happens for all subsequent renewals.

Set up recurring commissions

Set up recurring commissions

To use the recurring commissions it is necessary to activate the “Recurring commissions” plugin.

To set up recurring commissions in a campaign, log in to the admin panel, then go to the Commissions page of the selected campaign.

At the bottom of the commissions page you can set the period for the recurrence, which can be in days, months or years. For example, if you set 30 days, the affiliate receives a commission every 30 days.

If you set up a free trial period (for example 14 days), the affiliate's first commission will be 0$. When the customer renews after the free trial, the affiliate starts earning normal recurring commissions.

Leave the field on "0" if you do not want to offer recurring commissions or free trials.

Create recurrings

Create recurrings

Recurrings are created automatically when the affiliate refers the first sale/lead and the tracking code is called.

It is also possible to create a recurrings manually by going to the page to manage recurrences and clicking on the Actions > Add button. If the date of today is entered, the first commission will be immediately registered.

Manage recurrings

Manage recurrings

To manage recurrings go to:

Admin panel > Tools > Recurrings

On this page you can see all the registered recurrings. Each recurring is displayed in a row, which shows all the related information, including: affiliate, campaign, order id, start date, next date and cycles occurred.

Only active recurrings generate commissions for affiliates. If a customer cancels the subscription, the respective recurrence must be deactivated by selecting the line and clicking on actions > deactivate. In this way, the affiliate will not receive additional commissions for that subscription. This can also be done via API.

It is also possible to modify an existing recurring, for example if you need to change the amount or the date of the recurring. To do this, just click on the pencil icon on the right of the row and then modify the fields according to your needs.

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