Third party pixel (3PP)


Third Party Pixel tracking (also called "3PP" or "Shared Tracking") allows affiliates to enter their own tracking codes directly into the affiliate panel. An affiliate can enter his tracking to receive the notifications of the commissions he generated in real time. Usually the Third Party Pixel is used when an affiliate needs to automatically register commissions in his website or on his affiliate network (sub-network). Implementing the 3PP can also be useful if the affiliate uses services such as Google Adwords or Facebook Ads, because it allows him to count conversions.

How to add 3PP tracking


You need the plugin called "Third Party Pixel". To enable the Third Party Pixel go to the edit campaign page and under "Third Party Pixel" check "Pixel" and/or "Postback". There are 3 types of Third Party Pixels: The Pixel URL, which only works if you track the campaign with a tracking Pixel. The pixel code, which only works if you track the campaign with a Javascript Pixel or an iframe Pixel. And the postback that works on all types of tracking, but requires a Token parameter to be passed by the affiliate.


Affiliates can enter their Third Party Pixel directly from the affiliate panel, going to the campaign and then to the "Tracking" page. As an admin you can enter the affiliate trackings from the "Tools" page.

The affiliate can choose whether to use a global Third Party Pixel, which works on all campaigns, or a tracking for a single campaign. If both 3PP (single campaign and global) are set, the priority goes to the single campaign.


Affiliates can use the following variables in their tracking Pixel and Postback.

[commission] returns the commission amount assigned to the affiliate.
[cost] returns the total purchase amount associated with the transaction.
[orderid] returns the order number associated with the transaction.
[id] returns the unique identifier of the transaction.
[ip] returns the IP address of the user associated with the transaction.
[channel] returns the custom value passed in the banners / links with "&c=value".
[channel2] returns the custom value passed in the banners / links with "&c2=value".
[channel3] returns the custom value passed in the banners / links with "&c3=value".

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