How to manage your Affiliate Network


1. Approve new affiliates

Users who want to promote your campaigns should sign up to your affiliate network. If you have set the manual signup you must approve or decline new affiliates manually. If an affiliate has "Confirmed" as status, you can approve him by selecting the row and clicking on the "Actions > Approve" button located at the bottom of the page. Or refuse him by clicking on the "Actions > Decline" button. The affiliate will receive an email with the result of his registration. Only affiliates that have "Active" as status can access the affiliate panel.
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Approve new affiliates

2. Approve campaign applications

If a campaign requires the manual application, you must manually approve or decline the affiliates who apply. When an affiliate applies for a manual campaign, their status remains "Pending" until you approve it. You can approve an affiliate application by selecting the row and by clicking on the "Actions > Approve" button located at the bottom of the page. Or decline it by clicking on the "Actions > Decline" button. The affiliate will receive an email with the result of his application. Only affiliates that have "Approved" as status can promote manual campaigns.
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Approve campaign applications

3. Approve affiliate’s commissions

When an affiliate generates a conversion (such as a sale), AffiliationSoftware recognizes him and gives him a commission, registering it in the transaction page. Each transaction is initially registered with a "Pending" status and must be validated by an admin, who decides whether to approve it and pay it, or refuse it in case of problems, for example if the order has been canceled. You can approve a transaction by selecting the row and by clicking on the "Actions > Approve" button located at the bottom of the page. Or decline it by clicking on the "Actions > Decline" button. Only transactions that have "Approved" as status will be paid to the affiliates.
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Approve affiliate's commissions

4. Send payments to affiliates

When an affiliate’s approved commissions reach the minimum amount to receive the payment, the affiliate will be marked on the "Pending Payments" page. After sending the payment to the affiliate, using the payment method he has chosen (paypal, bank transfer, etc.), click on "Mark as paid" to register the payment in your affiliate network. If an affiliate has not reached the minimum payment amount, his commissions remain saved and will be paid later.
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Send payments to affiliates