How to set up your Affiliate Network


1. Configure the main settings

When you log in to the admin panel for the first time you will be asked to enter the main settings of your affiliate network. These settings are the name of the website, the logo and the currency you want to use. AffiliationSoftware has other settings that allow you to customize your affiliate network. These settings are already configured for a correct usage of the platform, but if you want, you can change them from the "Settings" page.
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Configure the main settings

2. Connect your network to your website

To allow users to sign up to your affiliate network, you have to put the links of the signup page and of the affiliate panel login into your website. To encourage users to sign up to your network and promote your campaigns, we recommend you to create a page on your website, which describes the characteristics and advantages of your affiliate network. Here you can find an example of page with the links to the signup page and the affiliate panel login.
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Connect your network to your website

3. Create an advertising campaign

Affiliates can promote your campaigns by publishing the banners and links available, and earn a commission of your choice for each action they refer (sale, lead, click, etc.). To create a campaign just enter the name, set the commissions for the affiliates, and insert the banners and links to promote it. To create a link enter the name and the URL where users should be redirected when they click. Affiliates can simply copy and paste the banner/link code to be recognized as referents.
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Create an advertising campaign

4. Add the tracking code

The tracking code allows to recognize if an action has been referred by an affiliate and to assign him the respective commission. To  automatically track the conversions generated by your affiliates, you need to add the tracking code in the "thank you page" of your website. If your e-commerce or affiliate platform is compatible with AffiliationSoftware you can ask us the instructions to add your tracking code. After adding the tracking you can test it, to see if everything is configured properly.
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Add the tracking code